Sunday, October 2, 2011

Taking Some Time off! Michael UPDATE and Thanks

No, that doesn't mean I won't be posting or anything but in the month of October I, Michael, will be busy with edits.

I have edits on True Meaning 2, Vertigo, The Power of Muse and Inspiration, and Mi Familia to do. 

This, being the end of the year, is BL's time to shine. She has 1 released short in Oct and 2 in November. I'll still be popping up places since I also have them but I won't be doing any new writing until November for NanoWriMo.

I'm very excited to be taking this break and giving Wicked Muse BL as well as Rawiya time to create and sub.

I'm officially done with new subs for 2011 since Closely Guarded is now a Nano novel and I'll be putting that down after its done.

I'd also like to take this time to thank all who have visited me, bought A Second Chance since it sold, quite well especially on Amazon last month and all the lovely support.

I'll be still doing regular posts but they'll be regulated to mostly the Sat and Sun offerings of Sips and the six.

Hugs and love to all and continue to visit me and my guests. I hope to be doing an end of the year contest!

Hugs to all.

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