Monday, May 24, 2010

Been SOOO Busy

Hello lurkers, followers, and anyone else that is paying attention.

I didn't totally desert this blog just been hella busy doing other things.

Besides, writing and the usual, been hanging out, going places. Hence, have not posted in a while. Tonight though, I am! WOOHOO I know you are excited.

Here's what my gay man/woman has been up to writing wise:

Managed to work on yet MORE DD fic. The site has become very popular so it makes me want to write more for all my fans. LOL I have several new stories on the site, way too mant to mention so if interested, please have a look.

Also, have worked on some regular fic. Started a new Steampunk tale as well as a story for the Geek submission from Liquid Silver. Since there were not too many calls for May, I sort of slacked off. There are a ton for June though and I really need to get ready for that.

So that gets you caught up for now...thanks for listening.

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