Monday, April 11, 2011

The Overlord Award---

Greetings! This will be the second time I'm accepting this award. *Laughs*

I accepted it for IRM and now, I am doing it here thanks to Blak Rayne.

Pretty exciting to make decisions like this twice.

Here we go...

Thank you Blak Rayne for this award!

Post the award and the rules on your blog.
List 3 things you would change if you were overlord.
List 10 blogs you think are worthy of world domination.
Leave them a message in their comment sections with a link saying you chose them:


My three things I would change?

1. Ending wars in all parts of the world.
2. Get rid of all hate groups.
3. Find the cures for Cancer and AIDS

The 10 sites I give this to:

1. Bianca Sommerland
2. Coffee Time Romance
3. XOXO Publishing
4. Dawne Prochillo
5. Drea Berecraft
6. Alex Beecroft
7. S.L Danielson
8. Mahalia Levey
9. Berengaria Brown
10. Deep in The Heart of Romance


An Open Book said...

Thank you so much for this Michael- I never even knew I was up for it- you are special, always remember that
Dawne P (An Open Book Blog)

Berengaria Brown said...

Oh, wow, thank you Michael.
World domination. Does this mean I get to take today off work?

Unknown said...

Thank you Michael, I'm speechless!

XoXoPublishing said...

Thank you Michael, it's XoXo Publishing second award of the month!
