Friday, March 29, 2013

True Meaning 2 Reduced to 99 Cents

In celebration of BL's book, I decided to reduce the TM2 book to 99 cents. 

This is on Amazon ONLY for a limited time.

If you haven't picked up my sappy romance, you should!

Over fifty doesn’t mean too old to find love

London Davies desires a man to take care of and despite the advances of his former lover and partner James, he pushes on to search for another to make him turn in his bachelor badge.

Brandon McFerry has been abused and scarred for the duration of his life. His only saving grace is his talent with the paintbrush. Although he hasn’t made his big break in the industry, he pushes on in hopes that one of his paintings will capture the attention of his obsession: London Davies

This is a romance. The kind that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside with some hot smexy sex thrown in. An emotional story between two men of different backgrounds searching for the same happy ever after ending!

Hope you enjoy the book!

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