Monday, March 15, 2010

New Man


You know when you are watching a movie, uh porn, ahem...
and you see a guy that catches you're eye. Maybe you like the way he looks, the way he rides another guys ass er just everything about him makes you go WOW!

Well that is what happened to me when I was watching a gay flick and looked at the guy above...WOW

David Taylor is his name and I saw a clip from a flick called "Screwed."

Damn is he hot, he's so hot I had to go find out more about this hot man.

I joined his website, I find interviews with him, saw his Myspace...LOL Ok so I stalked him on the internet. That's all no harm. So now I someone else to gush over a bit. Besides, is it fun to just get excited about the Duran's all the time? NOOOO

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