Sunday, October 16, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday - The Professor: Out of Bounds

Here is more from my novella that's still out there waiting for the publisher. *grimaces*

The Professor, originally titled Out of Bounds.

 Jelani stopped thinking immediately when he ogled the tall, brown haired, Caucasian man close the door behind him. 

His long fingers embraced the book while he took off his black suit jacket uncovering broad shoulders that were clothed with a crisp white shirt. 

The man's black and silver tie perfectly matched with his form fitting black trousers. 

Those eyes, beautiful chocolate brown eyes, gazed at everyone in the classroom. 

The facial hair trimmed and slim lips, slightly pink with a dimple in his chin made up the chiseled features this man possessed.

Jelani salivated just looking at him. 

Thanks for reading!

Enjoy other SSS authors here


An Open Book said...

Hell...I'm salivating too- great description and awesome 6

Dawne P

Carrie Ann Ryan said...

Yum. Lovely descriptions!