Thursday, May 31, 2012

You Gotta Read THAT!

Greetings fans!

I really only have two this week.

Somatesthesia from Ann Somerville and Taking the Dare, 4th book in the Truth or Dare series.

Just a word about both... Fucking Awesome.

Okay maybe two words but these are 2 books you should definitely pick up.

Lee's Truth or Dare series is to die for. I loved all the tales about the Blake Brothers with all their stories involving their various quirks and the changes they go through to find love.

Oh and Ann Somerville's book, my GOD! One of the best m/m romances I've read, certainly one of the best interracial.. 

The story takes place in the future, partially in my hometown of Chicago.

One thing I love about this book, no stereotypical bs but there is some racial strife in here. Only with other people they come across to add a spice of grim reality. However that doesn't interfere with the main story about these two different men, their backgrounds, and what they do to fall in love.

Awesome stories both of them. Please check out Breathless Press for Lee's Series and Samhain for Ann Somerville's book

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